Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Days 7-9 Pix: Nagaoka - Toyama - Tsuruga - Ikuno

Here's Jody slowly getting ready to hit the road at 6:41 on the morning of Day 8. We got rained on for the greater part of Day 7, so there are no pictures of that ride, unfortunately. Even though we put a lot of our things in plastic bags, a lot of stuff still got wet, including Jody's camera. Although Jody initially thought his camera might have been damaged, it survived just fine. As you can see in the picture, at this hotel in Toyama we were allowed to take our bikes up to our room. When we weren't, we had to leave the bikes somewhere in the lobby or in a conference room, for instance. Oh, and that room pictured here was really big and had giant windows, which was really unusual.

This is one of my favorite pictures from the entire ride. It's 7:56 a.m. on Day 9 and you can see (perhaps) that it's pouring outside. You can also see that Jody isn't happy at all about what awaits him. Of course, I wasn't looking forward to being soaking wet for hours on end, either. Nevertheless, we both knew that we had no choice but to ride out the typhoon. We also knew that Day 9 was most likely going to be the final day of rain that we faced, so off we went.

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