Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 1 Pix: Wakkanai Airport - Bifuka, 175 km

The beautiful view we had from the airplane of the road we were about to ride from Wakkanai Airport to Cape Soya.

Jody, standing in front of our bike boxes after we landed at Wakkanai Airport, showing off his "I'm Huge In Japan" shirt. We arrived at the airport, waited for our bikes, took a few pictures, and then got to unpacking and re-assembling our bikes. We hit the road at about 12:25, about an hour and 15 minutes after landing.

The first road sign we saw pointing the way to Cape Soya (Soyamisaki), shortly after leaving the airport. Notice that the locations are also written in Russian!

As you can see, the roads on the first day of C2C were mostly vehicle-free. Unfortunately, the only other day with very little traffic was our final day of riding.

We made it to Cape Soya by 1:15 p.m., roughly 50 minutes after we left the airport. Jody's fast pace was an instant reminder of what I had coming. On B2B, I only rode (kept up) with Jody for about two consecutive days, but on C2C I essentially had no choice but to stick to his back wheel for two entire weeks.

Here's Jody finally taking his first sip of water, about two hours into the ride. By then, one of my two bottles was probably already empty.

Here I am, cruising along past farmlands in northern Hokkaido, on the way to our destination for Day 1, Bifuka.

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