Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 13, Miyazaki City - Cape Sata: We Slayed Japan!

We just arrived at my place and it's 1:25 a.m.

We finished C2C today. All is well!

It's a great feeling of accomplishment.

I'm taking Jody to my school tomorrow (today) so he can show off his amazing skills.

More soon!

Time for bed!

Today's ride stats: 

Distance: 115.54 miles (185.943 km)
Elapsed Time: 9:52:55
Time in Saddle: 6:38:20
Average Moving Speed: 17.4 mph
Maximum Speed: 41.1 mph
Calories Burned: 6774
Elevation Gain: 5479 ft
Max Elevation: 575 ft*
Average Temp: 77.7 F

*The biggest climb of the day ended with less than 10 miles to go on C2C.

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