Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 6, Tsuruoka - Nagaoka: How Do You Like Them Apples!?

It's 2:30, we've ridden about 190 km, and we're already at our day's destination!

We got here so fast for a few reasons:

1) We got an early start, at 6:45.
2) We only made one real stop, after about 100 km.
3) We picked up quite a tailwind, so we were often riding at about 40 km/h.
4) We got battered by rain most of the day, so we were in a hurry to get back inside.

Anyway, I'll fill you in a bit more on today's ride later and hopefully I will be able to post some pictures.


OK, I'm back, but only for a few words. It's not easy typing on a Japanese keyboard...

We are both beat. We went out to eat, twice even, in the past few hours. We've just been walking around, eating everything in sight...

My right hand is still bothering me, enough so that I can't eat effectively using chopsticks right-handed. I can barely eat with chopsticks left-handed, but it's much easier than trying to use my right hand.

We're banged up really bad. I'm having trouble just walking. Jody is, too, but it's a bit worse for me. I think I'm going to try to get a massage.

Worse yet, the weather looks awful for the next two days. Check out weather maps of Japan and you'll see what I mean. It's nasty out. I joked with Jody that we should just leave now, to beat tomorrow's rain.

Anyway, we are trying to stay upbeat through all of this, but the days are getting tougher. Yesterday we had to battle 100 degree temperatures and today we had the complete opposite. I much prefer the sun.

It's 7:30 p.m. and we are just about ready for some sleep. We need to get another early start tomorrow, hope for that tailwind, and bear down and get to our next destination. As you can imagine, neither of us really knows why we are doing this. I guess we have lost our minds.

I think we just have to get past two horrible days and then the sun will shine again.

Sorry again for no pix, but I'm just not in good enough shape to deal with that.

Feel for us!

Today's ride stats:

Distance: 130.24 miles (209.60 km)
Elapsed Time: 10:42:46
Time in Saddle: 7:58:14
Average Moving Speed: 16.3 mph
Maximum Speed: 37.9 mph
Calories Burned: 7403
Elevation Gain: 2441 ft
Max Elevation: 696 ft
Average Temp: 91.0 F


  1. This is a lie, Jo doesn't eat more than once a week and you guys ate TWICE?? Of course if you mean, he ate a bagel then I believe it :)

    Very good guys keeping track. Keep up the awesome work!!!!

  2. Wow, this is incredible! I wish I knew where on a map you were and what route you were taking, but will patiently wait until you are home and rested for those details.

    I think it is amazing that you guys are doing this! I hope you get that massage! xo
